What is a personal brand? It's who you are online when people Google you

Have you set up your personal brand? Did you learn this in school? ... neither did I!

Strong personal brands fast track your goals. Help you land the job. Hit your dreams

Personal branding is no longer optional. 

In Personal Brand 101, we'll walk through 8 modules and you'll get the 8 Templates:

1. Set Your Goals with WOOP Method: Clinically-validated Framework with 20+ studies 

2. Define Your Personal vs Professional Personal Brand: 12 Steps Template 

3. Excellent LinkedIn Profile Checklist: Step by Step elements to review and upgrade  

4. Powerful Storytelling Technique: "What do I post?" Answer: STAR Method Template 

5. Effective LinkedIn Post Sample: Tell people your goals. Includes real analytics metrics

6. Coffee Chat Magic: Translate personal brand into effective networking

7. The LinkedIn Outreach Text: "What do I type?" Exact copy I've used! 

8. The 5-Step LinkedIn Booster Plan: Framework to GROW Your LinkedIn (Valued at $2k)

My LinkedIn followers increased 160% in one year using the templates and frameworks in this course. This led to a $$k book deal, my first job with a $250k+ base salary, invitations to serve as an Advisor and Venture Partner, and securing $$k to $$M contracts. 

$4k of Value for $27

Personal Brand 101: From 0 to Confident$27

"I saw results in days."

- Patrick L.

"Great lessons, powerful messages, and excellent worksheets to hone how personally show up. "

-Tim A.

"This is AMAZING and exactly what I need!!!! motivating and easy to listen to!"

- Grace H.

"Great course. Vibrant speaker."

-Ziv T.

"Course is easy to follow and actionable

Great practical advice and specific tool recommendations that are timely and super useful. " 

-Paula R.

"The templates helped me a lot to guide my future steps."

-Ansi E


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Disclaimer: Students have seen dramatic successes. You will see the amount of work you put in.

Easy Step-by-Step Modules

Download 8 Templates

 Personal Branding

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  • 1xPersonal Brand 101: From 0 to Confident$27

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Add-on: 1:1 Coaching with Joan 
Special Offer

Personalized advice to meet you where you're at

Talk goals in a safe space

Inclusive guidance from someone who has built a brand that reaches 23k+

Bring your questions and leave with action items

Add to cart$399.00
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